

4 months internship programme

I’ve started my internship program on 13 Dec 2010. It takes about only 8 mins to go to my company and I always depart from home @8.20 in the morning, hour is  830am-6pm,actually I'm not used to it on the 1st week of internship.That time i'm wondering how to i get used to it for this long long office hours?Luckily nowadays i am ok with it ..

One month passed,in summary,I have indeed learned a great deal. I'm  really enjoying the relaxed atmosphere at the company and the wonderful people I've working alongside.Therefore I have learn much on documentationand administration. Especially appreciate the guide and teachings from Ms.Tan.I still have about three months to go in this company to complete my mission. Looking forward for the days in my company for the following three months.


24/12/2010 Birthday celebration of Ms Tan @Spotino


                                                                                                                     My boss,Engineer,Praveen Monkey and Ms Tan...

And good luck to all who are having practical training especially universities friends from UKM ,UM and UPM.Gambatte!! Friends,never Give Up HOPE!! Try to do your best, ask when there is doubt, be hardworking and gain lots of knowledge!! There are sure hard time and tough task to be accomplished trust in yourself and strive for the BEST! : )

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Pei Wen,Zul and Me

We do enjoy that night and drink drank drunk @@


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